Friday, October 29, 2010


 It has been a busy season over here.  Several trips to the pumpkin patch, lots of time spent collecting bits and pieces of nature, and walks with friends enjoying the fall weather.  Our favorite park has a "forest"
attached to it. In the summer it was quite dense and the kids enjoyed chasing squirrels and running around in the grass.  Now all that is left is tall tree trunks and TONS of leaves on the ground.  A dream come true for Miss Ellie.  Charlotte on the other hand just wants to see what is under all those leaves.  As it turns out, it is pretty awesome.  Nuts, acorns and lots of sticks.  I could not be more proud that my children continue to enjoy spending time in the outdoors enjoying the land that we live on. 

Many of these acorns, sticks, leaves, ect.  have made there way into the house.  After finding them scattered about the house a few too many times I decided to create a designated are for out nature collection.  So the top of the shelf that only seems to gather odd things has now become our nature shelf.  I absolutely love walking down the stairs and getting to look at all the wonderful bits we have created or collected.  It always puts a smile on my face. 

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