Saturday, August 28, 2010

Almost over

Summer fun is coming to an end shortly as Ellie heads back to school.  I will miss Ellie while she is at school but I am excited to spend some one on one time with Charlotte.  She loves helping in the garden and doing chores around the house.

Charlotte has also just recently found interest in reading books and learning how to put words to pictures.  This frustrates her sister to no end since she REALLY wants to read one of HER books that are NOT FOR A BABY.  I look forward to being able to read uninterrupted to Charlotte and not have the book yanked from my hands several times while trying to read!  

Another opportunity I am looking forward to with Charlotte while Ellie is at school is PAINTING!!  Charlotte loves to do art work and paint!!  As much as I love Ellie to pieces, she can be VERY BOSY!!  I am excited to see Charlotte blossom in her art without the guide of her sister.  Ellie loves to paint as well, so we will still have to set some time for her to join in the art activities.  The other day we made some bird houses  out of milk cartons and stick we had gathered on a walk.  Both girls were covered in paint and LOVED every second of it!  And mama got a little paint on her too, which secretly she was very happy about!!  
Had to throw this one in too to show just how much paint she had on her!!  She really is a mess sometimes!! 

1 comment:

  1. Ellie looks like Beatrix in the last picture. Weird. Maybe because she is still?
